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The Week in Wrestling is published every week and provides beneath the surface coverage of the business of pro wrestling.
Contents for The Week in Wrestling:
Paul Heyman on Roman Reigns, CM Punk, and how his Hall of Fame speech set the stage for what was to come
A look at the past week in wrestling
Royal Rumble surprises: what could they be?
Tweet of the Week
Paul Heyman: “My Hall of Fame speech became the catalyst for multiple avenues”
When Paul Heyman teamed up with Roman Reigns, the landscape of professional wrestling forever changed.
The two first paired together on television in the summer of 2020. During Reigns’ post-Shield run, Heyman believed Reigns could be presented in an entirely different manner to the masses.
And this marked their opportunity to create lasting change.
Even while he was managing (or “advocating for”) Brock Lesnar, Heyman was particularly drawn to Reigns. Heyman possesses the rare ability to spotlight a wrestler’s strengths while minimizing weaknesses–does anyone else recall him briefly turning Al Poling into a mythical bad ass with an unparalleled level of violence in ECW as 911?–but he was delighted that the playing field was altogether different with Reigns.
This was a generational talent, the type who could cut a promo and wrestle a spectacular match–while capturing the crowd’s attention. So yes, Heyman was among those first to acknowledge Reigns’ world-class abilities.
“I remember being in WCW when Steve Austin walked into Center Stage for the very first time,” said Heyman. “Steve already had problems with his knees. Yet, when he got into the ring early in the day and started hitting the ropes, with a velocity I’ve only seen from two other people–one being Brock Lesnar, the other being Bron Breakker–I looked over at Jim Ross and said, ‘This is it.’ I could see he was going to be an enormous star in this industry. And I still remember Jim saying, ‘Just look at him. Of course he is.’”
Even though Ross agreed, most did not share Heyman’s belief. Many of the power brokers in WCW thought Austin’s ceiling would be as TV Champion or perhaps even, if everything broke in his favor, a potential role as the fourth member of the Horsemen, which never materialized.
Heyman saw a whole lot more.
“I never wanted credit for saying so early that Steve Austin was going to be ‘The Man’ in the industry,” said Heyman. “I always thought it was to everyone else’s discredit that they didn’t see it.
“It’s no different now. I don’t know that I deserve credit for seeing what Roman Reigns had to offer. It’s to everyone else’s detriment that they didn’t.”
Their partnership began in the midst of the pandemic without a crowd. It now continues, in packed houses, as both produce the most masterful work of their legendary careers.
“Roman Reigns and I had been discussing this for quite a bit of time before it actually happened,” said Heyman. “I’d had such a long run with Brock Lesnar, and neither Roman nor I wanted something that was merely going to be a bridge to the next step in our bodies of work. We were looking for a professional marriage, similar to what I had with Brock Lesnar. So we were always judicious in our planning because we knew this wouldn’t be a short-term relationship; we wanted a partnership to last the rest of our careers.
“We needed to be careful. Once we were in, we didn’t want a way out. We wanted to push each other toward accomplishing the best work we’d ever done.”
For the past 50 years, debate has raged over pro wrestling’s most distinguished manager. But thanks to Heyman’s run with Reigns, there is no longer any argument.
Once upon a time, it was The Grand Wizard. Then “Classy” Freddie Blassie and “Captain” Lou Albano. Years passed and Bobby “The Brain” Heenan took sole possession of the throne, maintaining that perch despite a talented assortment of contemporaries, like “The Mouth of The South” Jimmy Hart and James E. Cornette.
Today, the leaderboard is clear: it is Paul E., and then everyone else.
The latest piece of evidence buttressing that declaration is Heyman’s ongoing work. As “The Wise Man”, he plays an integral role in The Bloodline. When Reigns was away following WrestleMania 40, Heyman factored in even more–he was the one who was needed to give Solo Sikoa, Jacob Fatu, and Tama Tonga their credibility.
A fascinating piece of the current puzzle is Heyman’s work on-screen since getting inducted this past spring into the WWE Hall of Fame. When a recognition of that honor is bestowed upon an individual, the end of their career is near–or it has already arrived.
Leave it to Heyman to create a whole new set of rules and circumstances.
“My Hall of Fame speech became the catalyst for multiple avenues,” said Heyman, living up to his Hall of Fame speech vow to continue to disrupt the industry. “In hindsight, it’s the trigger for everything we’ve done this year.”
Asked to explain, Heyman detailed precisely how the speech laid the groundwork for each mile that The Bloodline has since traveled.
“Roman Reigns stepping out of character to be emotional about his Wise Man at the Hall of Fame, that was the very first step toward the babyface Roman Reigns while he was still the heel champion and Cody Rhodes was his challenger,” explained Heyman. “Accepting the Hall of Fame honor, in Philadelphia of all places–the birthplace of ECW–at WrestleMania 40 in a building where people were shouting ‘ECW!’, I was so grateful. I was also so thankful to speak to my children on camera for the first time. I went out of my way to keep them off camera and let them decide for themselves what they wanted to do in their lives.

“That became the first step toward the vulnerable Paul Heyman you saw when Solo really started leaning on me. Roman was vulnerable showing love for his Wise Man. Then the Wise Man revealed his vulnerability, and everyone was ready to embrace us. People were ready for it, then Solo really started to lean on me.
“In hindsight, the Hall of Fame speech was the beginning of the babyface turns for Roman Reigns and Paul Heyman–and the identification of my best friend in the world, who was sitting beside my children.”
Next to Heyman’s children that night sat CM Punk, whose trajectory over the last few months has also been intertwined with The Bloodline.
“That came into play this summer when I told Solo that Roman Reigns said for CM Punk to be left alone,” said Heyman. “So when I came back and it was five-on-four and the OG Bloodline needed one more member for WarGames, it made sense that I’d bring in CM Punk. And it made even more sense that I’d owe him a favor for it.”
This is the most transcendent run in Heyman’s legendary career. Even though his distinguished tenure in professional wrestling includes a plethora of highlights– The Dangerous Alliance in WCW, getting extreme in Philadelphia, the totality of his partnership with Brock Lesnar–this is the most enthralling, and on the grandest, most viewed stage possible.
A unique aspect of Heyman’s success is that expectations have never been higher. Despite that burden, Heyman finds new ways to innovate, create, and exceed those expectations on a weekly basis.
“I knew what I was stepping into with Roman,” said Heyman. “When Roman walks through the door, everyone turns their heads. That happened to us at a Bloomberg Power Play conference in a room full of power brokers and franchise owners. Everyone turned when they saw Roman. I was next to him, but with great humility I’ll admit it had nothing to do with me.
“We’re on Netflix for Raw, and the importance of that cannot be understated. Netflix is eye-level shelf space. More than Disney, more than Paramount+, there is no greater distribution portal for WWE. There is no description that accurately conveys the enormity of this opportunity–it’s the greatest opportunity ever for WWE. We are very aware of this opportunity, and we’re going to do everything we can to surpass everyone’s expectations.”
The best managers ensure that their wrestlers stand out. No one accomplishes that better than Heyman.
Better than any other, Heyman expresses how Reigns is a different breed. He attaches decades of credibility and legitimacy to every step Reigns takes. When Heyman is proclaiming Reigns to be the uncontroverted number one star in the industry, those words take on a whole new meaning.
There is a certain magic to Heyman and Reigns. That also rings true for Heyman and Punk.
“Working with Punk again, it feels like the future,” said Heyman. “I’m asked at times, ‘Do you have any regrets?’ The truth is I have absolutely no regrets. Every single solitary moment of my life has led to this moment, and I’m very happy with this moment. Everything in the past that has happened with CM Punk led him to this moment, and what a fascinating moment this is. We used to call them feuds, but he and Drew McIntyre put together one of the greatest rivalries of all time in a year when Punk was on the disabled list for nine-tenths of the run of their program.
“It’s fascinating to me how they pulled that off in 2024. It was new when WWE did it with ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin in ’98 and ’99, but it is very hard to surprise an audience now. Punk has been a master at pulling it off.”
The instant Punk returned to WWE at Survivor Series in November of 2023, there was euphoria. When the crowd left the building that night, their deafening cheers were still ringing in Punk’s ears–and that is when Heyman awoke.
He began furiously jotting down questions in his notes: What do we get when the rebel is no longer the young upstart? And what happens when the rebel becomes part of the establishment?
Over time, in spite of Punk’s penchant for changing the questions, the wrestling world is learning the answers.
“How can CM Punk, this rebel, reach the top again, especially after having been there a decade before when it caused so much damage to him that he left for 10 years?” asked Heyman. “Is he walking into the same traps as before? Or does he know how to navigate it now?
“Punk has evolved. The rebel, the disrupter, he still exists. Rebels don’t typically last that long, but this one does. That’s what makes Punk unique, different, and special. We live in an industry where unique, different, and special is rarified air. The only person that I can see who deserves the same credit for being unique and different and special is Roman Reigns.”
Heyman is the most captivating, compelling manager in the history of pro wrestling. Contrarians can argue that if they must, but it will be a futile effort. The only real question, which remains unanswered, is who follows him at number two.
But that is of no merit to Heyman. The lifetime achievement can wait–Heyman has no time to enjoy his reflection in the mirror. He is fully immersed in his life’s work: spellbinding the audience.
“I’m so tickled to be part of this cliffhanger,” said Heyman. “Everyone’s trying to figure out the favor I owe CM Punk.”
This past week…
For a second straight year before the Royal Rumble, Cody Rhodes and CM Punk were exceptional during their dueling promo.
Whether or not it happens at WrestleMania, Gunther eventually needs to give a beatdown to Logan Paul.
Mercedes Moné wasn’t going to lose last night on Dynamite, but even without the suspense of questioning who would win, she wrestled a fantastic match with Yuka Sakazaki.
Toni Storm is “Timeless” again.
Count me among those enjoying The New Day’s run as heels. At some point (WrestleMania?), they’ll need the tag titles, too.
Just like that, Omos has left Pro Wrestling NOAH… just in time for the Royal Rumble.
Royal Rumble surprises… and trivia you didn’t realize you needed
WWE’s single most anticipated day of the calendar year is set for this Saturday at the Royal Rumble.
In addition to two outstanding matches–Cody Rhodes defending the WWE title in a ladder match against Kevin Owens, and a two-out-of-three tag title bout pitting DIY against The Motor City Machine Guns–we will also be treated to the women’s and men’s Royal Rumble matches.
And if we’re talking about the Royal Rumble, then you know there will be surprises.
WWE basically overtaking TNA adds a new element to this year’s Rumble. New TNA champ Joe Hendry should find his way into the Rumble, with the commentary team making a big deal out of the “I believe in Joe Hendry” phenomenon from the summer. The Hardys are the current tag champs–why not have them enter the Rumble? And I think Nic Nemeth making a return as Dolph Ziggler would be beneficial for WWE, wrestling fans, TNA, and Nemeth.
As for the women’s Rumble, this is a perfect opportunity to reintroduce Jordynne Grace to the WWE fan base. Unless she is booked to win, she needs an exceptionally dominant stretch where she makes a lasting impression. TNA Knockouts champ Masha Slamovich is another strong candidate to be in the match, but she doesn’t need as much time or eliminations as Grace.
The most significant return is likely to be Charlotte Flair. It is hard to picture anyone else winning, unless Becky Lynch also returns.
The Rumble is another opportunity for The New Day to shine, specifically Kofi Kingston. Known for his outrageous ability to stave off elimination, Kingston should showcase his new villainous side by setting up a miraculous move… then simply walking away.
As we approach the 38th iteration of the Royal Rumble (the Greatest Royal Rumble does not count), did you know:
The fake Razor Ramon was in a Royal Rumble match, but Scott Hall–the man responsible for making the Razor Ramon character a global entity–was not. Hall lost to Bret Hart in a world title match in 1993, defeated IRS to retain the IC title in 1994, lost the IC title to Jeff Jarrett in 1995, then again lost the IC title to Goldust in 1996. The fake Razor had far less success in the actual Rumble match, lasting only 17 seconds in 1997 before getting eliminated by Ahmed Johnson.
Since 1993, every Royal Rumble winner has gone on to become a world champion later in their career with two exceptions: Lex Luger and Shinsuke Nakamura.
No Rumble has ever had all its former winners return for the match. This isn’t possible for the men, but the possibility still exists for it to occur during a future women’s Rumble.
Bob Holly once had a world title match at a Royal Rumble pay-per-view. Back in 2004, in just over six minutes, Holly fell short against WWE champion Brock Lesnar.
Tweet of the Week

In the SNL/NJPW crossover, who is doing the opening monologue?